Sonny Izon

Oral Histories Sonny Izon SON OF VETERAN, DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKER Sonny Izon is a son of a veteran and a documentary filmmaker. In his interview, he shares anecdotes of his father’s experience during the war. He talks about his identity as a Universal citizen and he...

Rodney Salinas

Oral Histories Rodney Salinas ACTIVIST Rodney Salinas is a Filipino-American activist. In his interview he shares how being part of the community and working with the veterans has shaped his understanding of the issue. He draws parallels between the Filipino community...

Pattie Umali

Oral Histories Pattie Umali Game designer, Granddaughter of Veteran Pattie Umali is a game designer and granddaughter of a veteran. In her interview she shares excerpts of her grandmothers memoirs and talks about the game she made to honor her grandmother and Filipino...

Marlan Maralit

Oral Histories Marlan Maralit Activist Marlan Maralit is a Filipino-American activist. In his interview he talks about the role his mentor, Jon Melegrito, had in finding his own political identity. He shares how being part of this cause has shaped his life and...

Blesilda Ladine

Oral Histories Blesilda Ladines-Lim Daughter of Veteran Blesilda Ladines-Lim is veteran Ciraco Ladines’s daughter. In her interview, she shares anecdotes of her father’s experience during the war. She expresses how proud she is of her father and how much she and...