For Educators

The Duty to Country curriculum provides educators with lesson plans and explainer activities to help students understand the experience of colonization and World War II from the perspective of Filipinos, and brings to life the story of the brave and determined veterans who fought for nearly 70 years for the benefits and recognition they had earned. 

Lesson Plans

Ten lesson plans on key historical moments: the colonial period, World War II, the establishment of an independent Philippines and the passage of the Rescission Act, and the civil rights movement to restore veterans’ benefits and path to U.S. citizenship. A resource guide also highlights the mix of engaging media and sources that provide entry points into the history and themes of Duty to Country.


The fourteen explainers are activities built around primary sources, maps and infographics that help students make sense of this long history.

Teacher Training Videos

This suite of Teacher Training Videos overviews how educators can use Duty to Country in the classroom. The videos include walk-throughs of available materials, including lesson plans, explainers, videos and online media; and a model exercise analyzing a primary source photo from the curriculum.


We have also made available resources for diving deeper into the subject matter. Resources include primary sources, government documents, online archives and more.

Profile Cards

Included in Duty to Country are 30 dynamic illustrated profile cards featuring significant people in the story. Each displays a portrait ringed by relevant symbols and, on the back, a biographical sketch and summary of their significance in the story. Download them here.

Share your thoughts about the Duty to Country Curriculum

We invite educators to share their feedback on the Duty to Country curriculum. This survey asks about where and what you typically teach, and for your feedback on the educator materials themselves. We estimate it will take 15 minutes to complete the survey. Thank you for your time, your feedback helps us make Duty to Country stronger.